TvText Information: README.TXT ============================== Copyright (c) Compware 1995 Last updated: 17 November 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ TvText takes all the irritation and delay out of viewing Teletext on a personal computer. If you like the information available on Teletext but hate the way you have to access it, TvText is the answer. This file describes REQUIREMENTS... ..of both hardware and software for TvText; INSTALLING TVTEXT... ..and uninstalling it. CONTACT POINTS... ..for Compware, including on-line resources; OBTAINING TVTEXT SOFTWARE... ..for purchase or evaluation; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FILES ..included with TvText; Note that the information in this and the other files described may not be up to date due to the fact that the software is freely distributable within the terms and conditions described in LICENSE.TXT. The latest information, including licensing terms, key availability and all other information is available from Compware on written request. IMPORTANT NOTE If you wish to store, copy, distribute or use the TvText Teletext Viewer sofware, you must first read and agree to the terms and conditions described in the LICENSE.TXT file. If you fail to read and agree to these terms, you will be in breach of the copyright vested in this software and liable for any consequenses arising out of such a breach breach of copyright. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS ------------ Software TvText runs under Microsoft Windows 3.x and Windows 95 with or without a Teletext interface fitted. Hardware To view live Teletext information you will need a supported Teletext interface. TvText will run without such an interface so that you can get a feel for how it works. TvText currently supports the following Teletext interfaces: From Microtext Limited: Microtext Teletext Adapter (internal 8bit ISA card) Microtext Teletext Receiver (stand alone with RS232 interface) From Optimum Technology Limited: OPT-III Teletext Internal PC Card (internal 8bit ISA card) OPT-III/S External Teletext Receiver (with RS232 interface) A suitable Teletext interface can be supplied by Compware. Please refer to ORDER.TXT for price information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLING TVTEXT ----------------- TvText installs all its files into a single directory which you can choose (default C:\TVTEXT). A little more than 1Mb of disk space is required by the installation. Installing TvText is simple, but the precise details depend on the form in which you have obtained it. TvText can be obtained on disk, in partially compressed form, or downloaded in a compressed .ZIP archive file. FLOPPY DISK The disk version is ready for installation immediately. Start Windows and then run the application "setup.exe" directly from the disk. To do this, insert the disk and then use the "Run command" (from the Start menu in Windows 95 or the File menu in Program Manager in Windows 3.x) and enter "A:SETUP", assuming the disk is in drive A:, and then respond to the setup program. Now see "AFTER INSTALLATION" below. ZIP ARCHIVE If you download the software electronically you will receive it in a .ZIP archive file which must be extracted before you can install TvText. You must extract the software from the archive into a temporary directory, using a program such as PKUNZIP (for DOS) or WinZip (for Windows). It is beyond the scope of this document to explain how to use these (or other archive extraction programs), so please refer to the documentation for the particular archive extraction program you have available. Having extracted the files into a temporary directory, use the "Run command" (from the Start menu in Windows 95 or the File menu in Program Manager under Windows 3.x) and enter "C:\TMP\SETUP", assuming the files were extracted into C:\TMP, and then respond to the setup program. Now see "AFTER INSTALLATION" below. AFTER INSTALLATION The installation program sets up menu items (Windows 95) or program icons (Windows 3) that enable you to start TvText, although you can also use the "Run command" to start TVTEXT.EXE manually. TvText will run without a Teletext card installed (after issuing some warning messages), but will obviously be unable to receive live Teletext information until a compatible Teletext adapter has been installed and setup according to the manufacturer's instructions. This normally involves tuning the card using a utility supplied by the manufacturer. Details of compatible Teletext adapters are given elsewhere in this file. When you first start TvText, you will be prompted for a license key. If you have registered, this should have been included on the installation disk, or as and alphanumeric code in an email message or fax. If you have not registered, you can use an evaluation key instead (see EVALUATE.TXT), or can use TvText without a key, in which case some important functions will be disabled. Even without an evaluation license, the available commands and in particular the Help system (see the Highlights section) will give you a very good idea of what TvText has to offer. UNINSTALLING TVTEXT Because all of TvText's files are installed into a single location, removing the installed files is just a matter of deleting the directory and its contents. IMPORTANT Before you forget, please make a backup copy of the TvText installation files. If you don't, you are bound to need it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT POINTS -------------- Information Contact Point 1 Compware, 256 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1LQ, UK. (Mail only) 1 Email 1,2,3 WWW 2 FTP 1: Latest Product Information and Prices 2: To Download Software 3: On-line Screen Shots ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OBTAINING TVTEXT SOFTWARE ------------------------- Purchase If you wish to purchase TvText software you should use the order form included in ORDER.TXT. This file contains full instructions, including details of how to pay. Please read it before sending money. Evaluation Evaluation copies are available on-line (See CONTACT POINTS) or direct from Compware for a fee which is deductable from the registration fee. Details and order form can be found in ORDER.TXT. Please ensure that you use an acceptable method of payment as described in the file ORDER.TXT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FILES ---------------------------- README.TXT - details of installation, compatibility and of other files LICENSE.TXT - gives the terms and conditions for any use of the software WHATSNEW.TXT - lists changes to this and previous versions of the software EVALUATE.TXT - describes how to obtain an evaluation license key ORDER.TXT - describes how to purchase TvText, including payment details ERRATA.TXT - contains additions and corrections to TvText help PROBLEMS.TXT - lists known problems and workarounds ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Compware hereby acknowledges trademarks owned by third parties which have been used in this or any other file supplied with this software.